Monday, 13 February 2012

It's competition time!

This competition is now closed. Thanks for taking part. Next month's will be something different again :)

It's time for February's crit round because I <3 ripping your work to shreds helping you out with my sage advice and whatnot.

This one's going to be a beta-reading-of-your-ms competition and it will work a little differently to the others that I've held.

1) This is for YA writers only. It can be any genre, but this month is all about the YA, so no adult or MG entries on this one please.

2) You need to be a follower of this blog for this one. I don't normally insist on this, and I may not in the future, but the rules are a little different this month!

3) All you need to do is put your name, the name of your ms and your email address below and I'll beta read the first 500 hundred words of your YA ms. If you bring a friend to the party, ie you tell another YA writer about the competition and they join this blog, then you get a 1000 word beta read. All you need to do is put their name in the comments section to tell me they joined because of you : ) If you bring two friends, I'll do 1500 words for you.  If said friends/new followers want to enter this month's contest, then that's great - they need to follow these rules too : )

If you won one of my other competitions in the last three months, then please let someone else take the slot, because I won't choose you! Otherwise, go ahead : )

Ok, that's it. I'm not going to do the usual 'I'll get it back to you in a week' thing because I don't know how many words I'm going to be critting and I like to be really shreddy thorough.

Good luck!


  1. Hi Ruth! Thank you for constantly hosting these awesome contests *Gives Ruth a GIANT Hug*

    My name is Issy, my MS is named "THE DESIRED" and my e-mail is c(dot)isabel(dot)bandeira (AT)

  2. Thank you for the contest! My name is A. K. Fotinos-Hoyer, my MS is DAUGHTER OF THE MOON: ACHERUSIAN BOUND and my email is kfotinoshoyer(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. No problem. I look forward to reading your work : )

  3. Hey Ruth, thanks for this.

    My wip is called DESTINY GIFT and my email is juliana.haygert(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Hi Ruth!

    Thank you for this opportunity! My friend, Stephanie Winkelhake pointed me in this direction!

    My MS is called GIRL PLAYER and my email address is tifdara @ yahoo . com

  5. Ok folks, this one's closed now. More agent stories and other fun this month and another comp next month!

  6. Oh, and emails on the way to all of the above : )

  7. Oh, it's awesome that you like to beta things too!! *high five* :D
    LEt me know next time you do a contest so I can help spread the word! :D


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