Saturday, 18 August 2012

The one where there's news from Christmas in July and it's awesome

This is a post for the people out there in the query trenches, whether you're revelling in it or hating it out there. I always kinda liked it myself. It made me someone who was doing something positive about grabbing hold of the whole writing life thing. But I know that some of you think it's about as much fun as a room full of rakes. So here's some cool news. You know, because this could be right around the corner for you too.

It's been about four weeks since the Christmas in July contest, and in that time, four of the fifteen people whose work went up on my blog have signed with agents.

This is cool. Very cool. It's cool for them, but it's also cool for you because this is how it happens. One day you don't have an agent and the next,

And here's the post on Linda McLaren's blog where she tells you that she's now signed with Judith Engracia! I couldn't be happier for them both. Linda's THE SOUND CATCHERS caught plenty of agent eye, and I can't wait to read the whole story.


  1. Oh, you little monkey! : )
    Your contest was such fun, but what made it the best EVER was the great pleasure of getting to know you! Thanks for everything, especially your incredible ability to bring calmness to a rather crazy excited person during a crazy exciting time! I dub thee the Yoda of Sensibility!

    1. Calm, I am (when my own work it is not : D)

  2. That is amazing! Congratulations to them!

  3. Four out of fifteen? Me thinks you should try your hand at agenting!

    1. I'm hoping it will turn into more, since there are others with fulls out!

      As for agenting, the thought of contracts and percentages and negotiations would make me cry : D And as for all the phone calls and public speaking... *shudders*

  4. What wonderful news. Congratulations to all those now agented writers. :-)

  5. It really is about having a great story, a well-written query, and the right opportunity to share it with the right agent. This is why we so much appreciate you offering us these chances.


    1. I enjoyed doing it Jennifer! And we're currently planning another contest. Should be fun : )

  6. Congrats! I'm very excited for all those who signed! Ruth, you and Michelle must be so excited and proud to see all of your hard work pay off so wonderfully. Thank you for the opportunity you both created for other writers!

  7. That's wonderful news! You'll have to keep us updated when the bookdeals and publication dates come in! Congratulations to all the authors!


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