Today's the day! HEXED, by my friend and critique partner Michelle Krys, is out in the US now!
Add it on Goodreads here!
Hexed by Michelle Krys
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Fast paced without being rushed, a great plot with believable, likeable characters and a will-they-won't-they romance (they will, they do, you will like it when it happens). This book has lots of amusing interactions between the characters, but you'll also find the mc Indie being pushed to her limits by the desperate circumstances she finds herself in. Page-turning fun and best of all there's a sequel (and two short stories!) without this book ever feeling like it can't stand alone. HEXED wins all round.
If you check out Michelle's website you'll find links to buy the book, or you could, you know, go to a bookstore and buy the book.
Here's a Waterstone's link so you can pre-order if you're in the UK (it's out on 19th June here), or you can pre-order the paperback here or Kindle edition here.
Finally, here's my copy. Yes, it's signed. Be jealous. Also, in case you weren't sure what I was driving at here, it was that I think you should buy the book.